Jungle Habitat Zoo Sets Up Shop in Florida
This week it was reported that Jungle Habitat Zoo, a traveling exhibitor that exploits a variety of exotic animals including big cats, would be joining forces with the owner of Nosey the elephant to operate a permanent roadside zoo in Kissimmee, Florida.
Jungle Habitat Zoo is an on demand traveling zoo that displays wild animals in parking lots across the country. Charging only 1 dollar for entry, their profits come from highly stressful and unsafe animal encounters. They also engage in the pay to play cub-petting scheme, offering visitors photo ops with young tiger cubs.
Cub petting is the #1 cause of big cat abuse in the US. (Learn more about cub petting at bigcatrescue.org/cubs). Roadside zoos such as Jungle Habitat Zoo do nothing to benefit conservation of these animals in the wild and only proliferate the exploitation, abuse, and neglect of wild cats.
Nosey the elephant has sadly become a symbol of captive wildlife abuse. The USDA has repeatedly cited Nosey’s owner, Hugo Tommy Liebel and the Liebel Family Circus, for repeated violations of the Animal Welfare Act. And for years animal welfare advocates have extensively documented Nosey’s lonely and painful life. Learn more about Nosey at this site http://savenoseynow.org/.
Please join us in taking a stand against the use of big cats and other wild animals in roadside zoos. Take the pledge to be a Big Cat Friendly Tourist, thereby assuring the owners of such facilities and the communities in which they operate that the public does not support the exploitation of tigers, elephants, or any other exotic animals for entertainment.
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