
Wildlife Rehab James Jablon AKA Jim Jablon

Jim Jablon Selling Lion Cubs

Despite apparently NOT having the proper license in Florida to even possess a lion, these social posts indicate that he is trying to sell lion cubs and looking to hire help that isn’t Internet savvy, so as not to be exposed (would be my guess).

What is the Florida Wildlife Commission and USDA doing about this?  It was reported on September 6, 2021 to both agencies, but investigators in both agencies frequently report that they do not use anything posted on social media as evidence AND that they aren’t even allowed to access those sites on their government issued phones and computers.  It’s no wonder the illegal wildlife trade flourishes!

Jim Jablon Selling Lion CubsJim Jablon Selling Lion CubsJim Jablon Selling Lion Cubs

AND this comes after the 2019 order denying James Jablon a license after the court deemed he was not qualified and had forged documents involved in his application.  He claims association with Judy Watson.  Read the agency’s denial of license here:  James Jablon Case No. 19-003505 vs. Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission, Cases Under Administrative Hearing

Living in the Lion’s Den for 30 Days

Short link to this info:  http://ow.ly/3zTy9 that list major violations such as failure to produce acquisition records, failure to provide proper veterinary care, failure to provide secure containment of lions, tigers and cougars and much more.

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