
Dirk Arthur

Dirk Arthur who we thought was finished in 2016 was seeking to bring his tiger magic show back to Las Vegas, but within a day of his announcement, thanks to the efforts of people who care about tigers, that show was cancelled.
Dear Concerned Citizen and Activist for Animal Rights,
I am reaching out to you on behalf of Notoriety’s CEO, Ken Henderson.
Please see below, and attached for his official statement regarding Dirk Arthur and our venue.
“I want to thank everyone who reached out to our organization regarding the possible Dirk Arthur show “Magic Unleashed” at our venue. Your voices have been heard. As many of you may have read, the proposed show was in preliminary talks only with no finalized contract. Notoriety’s mission has always been to support artists by giving them the opportunity to perform at a premier venue and I am proud of all we have accomplished since opening in 2020. However, it is imperative that all performers have a choice to perform…and the performers in the proposed show do not and with that, we will not be moving forward with the show. Thank you all for voicing concern and for shedding further light on the topic of animal rights.”
Ken Henderson – CEO Notoriety Las Vegas

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