Mauling at Wooten’s Zoo

According to this police scanner report a man was mauled after walking into a tiger cage at Wooten’s Zoo March 22, 2022.

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What Visitors to Wooten’s Airboat Rides Say

Wooten Zoo 2022
Last May (2013) I went with my family for an airboat ride to Wooten’s Airboat Rides outside of Naples Florida, and they claimed to have an “Animal Sanctuary”. This so called “Sanctuary” was far from the truth!! It has many animals in small, dirty, thrown together enclosures.  They have giant alligators and tortoises in little tiny cement enclosures with very little room to turn around.  They have a baby liger in a tiny enclosure, and when we walked by he was crying and clawing at the fence of his enclosure.  They have to tigers in somewhat of a little bit bigger enclosure who seemed absolutely miserable. A cougar in a small enclosure also who was obviously sad and very depressed, he did not even move. It just broke my heart to see these beautiful and majestic creatures so unhappy and miserable!! Is there anything we can do to shut down the so called “Animal Sanctuary”?? I would be willing to do whatever it takes to help!!!