Vanishing Species – Florida’s dirty little secret
September 2010 USDA revokes Vanishing Species’ license.
Feb 9,2010 Barbara Harrod entered a no contest plea in front of Judge Ginger Lerner Wren Broward County Florida Court House. The judge found Barbara Harrod guilty of all 5 counts and sentenced her to 12 months of probation and she was ordered to pay court costs roughly in the amount of $1000.00. NO fine was given by the judge even though she could have done so.
Barbara Harrod often “gets” her baby tigers from Larry Wallach whom is licensed out of NY and Ft Lauderdale. Barbara uses these babies for pets then tosses them into a tiny cage for the rest of their lives which typically isn’t very long.
I have now released graphic video’s of what these animals had to endure every day at the Davie location of Vanishing Species under the lack of care of Barbara Harrod.
The Sun- Sentinel also did three stories on Barbara Harrod and the property of Vanishing Species. Here’s the link to the latest story. If you type in Vanishing Species you’ll be able to locate David Fleshlers other stories on Vanishing Species.,0,2508711.story
A Davie wildlife exhibitor has been accused of those violations in federal inspection reports.
She faces the possible loss of state and federal licenses, after years of using animals to entertain at schools, summer camps, fairs and parties.
Barbara Harrod, who operates Vanishing Species Wildlife Inc., pleaded no contest in February to state charges that she kept animals in unsanitary conditions, used cages that were too small and engaged in other wildlife violations.
She was assessed court costs, not fines.
But the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is reviewing the case to determine whether to suspend or revoke her license, said Capt. John West, of the agency’s law enforcement division.
After a separate federal review, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said she has failed to comply with a federal consent order to move all big cats off her site.
The order was issued after inspectors found animals’ food contaminated with blood and maggots, inadequate veterinary care, and tigers left unprotected from sun and rain.
The agreement signed last year gave her until July 31, 2009, to get big cats off her fenced compound along Southwest 136th Avenue in Davie.
However, visits by federal inspectors over the past several months found big cats still there and repeated violations of the laws requiring adequate care for the animals.
“It’s been systematic noncompliance,” said Nolan Lemon, spokesman for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
“The Animal Welfare Act details minimum standards — minimum standards,” Lemon said. “These are repeat violations of those standards.”
Harrod said she would answer questions only in writing. Questions were sent by e-mail March 3, but she never responded. Her lawyer, Marshall Platt, could not be reached to comment despite messages left by phone and e-mail.
Despite the agreement to move out big cats, a Feb. 4 inspection found two adult tigers and an adult cougar on the property.
Lemon said Harrod was in violation of the consent agreement.
“It’s with our legal folks at this point,” he said.
Inspections over the past several months have turned up other violations.
Several small mammals housed in a windowless structure died after the air conditioning failed, according to USDA inspection reports.
Three adult tigers disappeared without the required documentation showing to whom they were given or sold.
The Feb. 4 inspection found an adult tiger named Nicky limping and suffering from arthritis and not receiving adequate veterinary care. The attending veterinarian, who last signed a program of care in 2008, does not live in the area, according to the inspection report.
“It’s not like owning a dog or a cat,” Lemon said. “There are people who get in with the best intentions and they forget that Tigger is a dangerous animal with very demanding and expensive needs. Vet care is expensive, but you can’t compromise on that.”
David Fleshler can be reached at dfleshler@SunSentinel.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 954-356-4535.
Video Links
Warning these videos are graphic, I recommend not eating prior to viewing if you have a weaker stomach.
These video’s are on you tube under vanishing species.
Some of the animals in these pictures are now dead due to “unnatural” causes.
The Palmdale facility was closed to the public in Feb 2009 by the USDA after a plea agreement with Jeffery and Barbara Harrod owners of Vanishing Species was reached.
USDA fined the Harrods $27,000 for violations and citations at the Palmdale facility but after the plea deal USDA reduced the fines to $3,700.00 with $100.00 payments per month.
USDA didn’t return to enforce the plea agreement. Through repeat calling Dr Goldentire , Dr Gibson whom is Dr Goldentire’s boss and then calling Joe Nelson I was informed they couldn’t discuss the case with me but this case is public record yet none would comment on the case.
In accordance to the public record of USDA it states all cats’ juveniles and adults must be removed off the Davie, Fl. location by July 31, 2009. It’s now March 31, 2010 and still class 1 and 2 cats remained on that property. No enforcing of the USDA rules for the plea agreement.
Send a message to USDA to enforce their own plea agreements, revocate licenses, not allow exotic permits or licenses to be given out like candy unless more stringent rules such as testing, serving 500 hours in a vet office that deals with exotic animals, having 500 hours of apprentice experience with FWC and field work, pass a written test, produce 1000 hours of logged time working with exotic animals.
USDA doesn’t care about the animals nor enforces their own plea deals.
The Key players with this disaster with USDA are:
Dr Goldentire USDA District Manager: 919-855-7100, Fax: 919-855-7123
Dr Gibson, Dr Goldentire direct supervisor: 301-734-4980.
Joe Nelson: 919-855-7106
You can access the Harrods inspection records at:
If this link doesn’t work type in aphis, then on the left side click on animal welfare, then
On the right side click on publication and reports, next you’ll get a “ warning “ page, just click except, it’s legal for you to look at public records, next your get a page with a box asking name your looking up type in Vanishing Species, under state type in florida hit enter. At the bottom you’ll click on the PDF file and there you go, all of the inspection reports by USDA.
Ask why they have not revoked the Harrods license with repeat violations. Last I checked forging vet records is still forgery and is a felony.
FWC has the green light to revoke Barbara Harrods license yet Captain John West out of Tallassee has done nothing at this point.
Please call: 850-488-6253
Demand answers why FWC won’t revoke Jeffery Harrods or Barbara Harrods license after repeat violations with their agency and numerous complains. They have my log book, video’s I shot that you can now view and still more animals continue to die from lack of vet care, lack of knowledge and lack of funding to buy food.
3 weeks ago Art Matson whom is the inspector for Vanishing Species called and said he had just preformed an inspection at Palmdale, he said he eye balled the tigers and said they looked happy and healthy, I questioned Arts inspection as to what paper work did he receive in regards to the transfer of 7 cougars to Jeffery Harrods friends. Art replied no he ever checked. Art indicated he never went to check on the transferred cougars and made sure their cages were up to FWC standards or checking the proper permits of the friends. I asked Art if he checked for food on the premise to ensure the tigers, lions, leopards and cougars had enough palatable food to feed them daily, Art replied no he did not check to see how much food was in the refrigerators or freezers.
I asked Art if he knew what the proper weight was for a Siberian tiger was, he replied no he did not. I asked Art if he knew the proper weight for a Bengal tiger, Art replied no he did not. I asked Art if he knew what the percentage of food per animal and their weight was too been to feed daily, Art replied no he did not. I asked Art if he looked at any current vet records as a yearly vet check is needed, he replied no he did not.
Art Matson said to me and I quote” the tigers look happy and healthy”. I asked Art what does a happy and healthy tiger look like, he said he didn’t know. I said how do you know the tigers are healthy, are you a licensed veterinarian? He replied no he was not. I asked if a Bengal at proper weight was to weight 600 lbs, eyeballing the tiger how do you know it’s at proper weight? He said he didn’t know but said and I quote again” no bones were sticking out”. This I said would be past malnutrition this is called Emaciation.
Art Matson said to me he couldn’t find any violations or anything wrong yet never checked anything, just talked to Mr Harrod and left.
Concerned a proper inspection wasn’t done and biased friendships seemed to have gotten in Art Matson’s view I called Tallahassee and lodged a complaint against his “inspection”. The next week 2 state officials out of Tallahassee were sent to Palmdale and they discovered MANY, MANY violations!!! Odd how a week prior to that Art Matson said he couldn’t find one thing wrong.
Art Matson said he knows of a sanctuary out of Colorado called Wild Animal sanctuary and they were willing at their own expense bring in eight tractor trailers and take every cat the Harrods have to their rescue where they have set aside 250 acres giving each cat 20 acres to themselves with dens and water falls. Jeffery said he’d agree to it but the condition was he had to also give up his breeders license so this mess can’t be repeated down the road. Jeffery refuses to give up his breeders permits and indicated to Art he wanted to get more babies for money making opportunities. So this process will begin all over again.
From my sources Jeffery Harrod is planning on putting all the animals names in his girlfriends name but she doesn’t yet have a class 1 & 2 license however Jeffery indicated he was going to “ sign” saying she has her 1000 hours per species even though she has none logged and has no idea of animal husbandry.
This way Jeffery Harrod can manipulate the system again and gets to keep the cats.
Art Matson said to me Jeffery Harrod told him he was selling Palmdale by the end of his month, so I said to Captian Ardleen yesterday were at the end of the month is Palmdale sold, he said no Jeffery now said it’ll be at the end of the year. STALL, STALL, STALL!!!!
Right now according to Art Matson Jeffery Harrod has housed on the Palmdale property:
7 tigers
7 cougars
2 lions
2 leopards
6 alligators
Host of other assorted animals from raccoons to pheasants, emu’s, goats, pigs, etc.
On the property of Palmdale one black leopard according to my close source died about 2 months ago, he was only 2 ½ years old. To my knowledge this animal was not listed on the inventory register as dead with FWC or USDA. No records were ever looked at by Art Matson to compare what animals were there last inspection verses what animals aren’t there this inspection. If sold where is the transfers paperwork and sellers book? Art said he never checked.
March 29, 2010 I received credible information Jeffery Harrod was housing a 3 week old baby cougar in his trailer, according to my inside source the baby is very ill and has diaherra. I was on the phone till after 2 am with a hot line operator whom was in communication with Captain Adleen whom indicated he and Pat Reynolds with FWC would be visiting Jeffery Harrods home and checking if the cougar was ok. He looked at the cat saw the diaherra asked Jeffery if he was going to seek medical attention with a vet at which time Jeffery answered no he wasn’t. He has this cougar baby according to my sources on whole cow’s milk, diluted with water and cat food mixed in. Jeffery indicated the baby is on cat formula and it’s common to remove the baby as soon as it’s born away from the mother. They believe Jeffery Harrod but took pictures
These three powerful people had the green light and authority to revocate ( strip these licenses and permits) but instead looked the other way and gave them a tap on the wrist while more animals suffered and died. The USDA and there laws are worthless to animals.
This is why I’ve been working to help shut down Vanishing Species because under there lack of proper animal care the species is truely vanishing.
Remember when viewing these animals some here in these pictures are now dead and no one cared!
Who know’s what’s become of the others in the pictures. Change needs to come to the laws governing who can and can’t have exotic animals.
The Harrods have no formal education in attending college for animal husbandry also known as animal science, they have no formal training as a veterarian assistant or in veterinarian medicine, the Harrod’s don’t possess a master’s degrees or doctorates in disciplines such as nutrition, genetics and animal breeding, or reproductive physiology. Yet The Harrods have been given permits for breeding and exhibition by FWC and USDA.
They were just simply given permits! So in essence you need no skill, training nor knowledge to possess and keep a tiger , cougar or leopard which is a class 1 animal!
You just need to “know” someone that already has a class 1 and 2 permit to sign for you stating you have the 1000 hours per species even if you never had 20 hours. You don’t need to prove you have the knowledge you just have to produce a few bucks for the permits and off you go.
Unite your voice with mine and stand up to politics that condemn these sacred and endangered animals to a life in a small prison, there only crime was they were born.
Unfortunately these animals you see were only a commodity and expendable.
If one baby died and many did they’d just go BUY another tiger baby to exploit for money doing baby pets at fairs such as Dade County Youth Fair, Birthday parties , schools, and other private functions ,Saw Grass Rec Park where they used to exhibit some of these animals and used the baby tiger pictured here , lioness named ” Savanna” and the bob cat for baby pets for money but had lost their contact there and weren’t asked back , along with other fairs.
One way or another the laws are going to have to change and if I have to stand alone then so be it but I’d like you the ones reading this to get involved because laws only change when people make law makers change them.
I don’t feel the punishment for Barbara Harrod fit the crimes and should have been much more severe. Once again the animals died for a slap on the wrist and court costs. Where is the justice for the voiceless! This statement is my own personal feelings. After this case sat in the legal system with postponements for 3 years this was the outcome for the animals that suffered and died.
Please help me to help the animals and be a voice with mine to demand answer from USDA and FWC. How many more animals have to die at the hands of the Harrods? When is enough, enough?
I am an animal advocate, a voice for the voiceless and I’m not going away. If I have to stand alone so be it, I have fought this ongoing night mare for the animals for 3 years and I have no intensions of going away any time soon.
Written by eye witness Chrissy Fischer
Email: witcheswand@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
You may remember that Barbara Harrod was on the board of Diane Zandman’ Animal Rescue Kingdom and was keeping a tiger in a shed and a bobcat in a tiny, barren cage in her backyard in Ocala. More HERE
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