USZA Isn’t a Real Accrediting Body
USZA Isn’t a Real Accrediting Body
It is just an officious sounding name for a small group of exotic pet owners, lead by Joe Exotic Schreibvogel of G.W. Exotic Animal Park, who have made it their mission to block any law that would restrict the private ownership of dangerous wild animals.
Officers in 2012
President Joseph Schreibvogel
Vice President Sherry DeWald (resigned)
Secretary Harold Epperson
Treasurer Tracie Schultz (AKA Ronnie Sands)
Director of Member Services
Director of Conservation Wayne Sluder
Legislation Director Evelyn Shaw
Director of Education Julie Walker
The following was an alert asking exotic pet owners to object to an Ohio bill to ban the possession of dangerous wild animals that was sent from Joe Exotic Schreibvogel to the Feline Conservation Federation with copies to the groups who support wild animal ownership, including USZA and UAPPEAL.
[Fwd: [The_FCF] Fw: Please take action against a ban on exotic anima
Posted by: “Tim Stoffel” timbalionguy
Thu Dec 1, 2011 12:29 am (PST)
——– Forwarded Message ——–
From: Joe Exotic
Subject: [The_FCF] Fw: Please take action against a ban on exotic
animals in Ohio!
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 21:14:19 -0800 (PST)
Below is the link to the capwiz alert for ohio that is needed asap,
Please click on the take action link now and simply fill out the form
and send,This is the alert that was written by UappealWe need everyone
to take action and cross post this on every group list you are on please
— On Wed, 11/30/11, UAPPEALwrote:
Subject: Please take action against a ban on exotic animals in Ohio!
To: “Joe Schreibvogel”
Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 10:50 PM
Please take action against a ban on exotic animals in Ohio!
Please take action against a ban on exotic animals in Ohio.
Take Action! Please take action against a ban on exotic animals in Ohio.
Respond to this action alert by clicking on the take action button and
fill out the required information.