

8/29/2023 A visitor reported: They have an African lion, a white tiger, a gold tiger, a black leopard, caracal, serval and a leopard. All of them look miserable. I tried to get a picture of the leopard but it was so dark in the concrete “home” that he couldn’t be seen.  Locals have been trying…


Lena and Snowball

So, now that the movie is “out in the wild” where is Snowball the white lion cub? We put our best researcher on the trail and this is what they found: After extensive research, I suspect that the cub used in this film was a lioness named Shaka*. She was most likely bred by the infamous Mario…

Walnut Prairie Wildside Thomas Edmonds

Walnut Prairie Wildside Thomas Edmonds

Walnut Prairie Wildside – Thomas Edmonds  USDA license is #33-B-0435. Walnut Prairie Wildside in Illinois belongs to Thomas Edmonds, a backyard breeder/broker who specializes in exotic fowl and recently got into other exotics. As of January 2020, he owned 3 tigers which were purchased as newborn cubs, likely from Tim Stark. All 3 have so far…


Woody’s Menagerie Exploiting Ligers

Woody’s Menagerie in Mulberry Grove is a traveling zoo that exhibits at fairs and festivals. This outfit illustrates what little protection animals have under the federal Animal Welfare Act. Incredibly, Woody remains licensed despite exhibiting and dealing animals with a suspended license, refusing inspections, and angrily harassing inspectors who feared for their personal safety. In…