Amazing Animals Japan

Amazing Animals Jim Clubb Heythrop Zoological Gardens

Jim Clubb’s Heythrop Zoological Gardens (d.b.a. “Amazing Animals”) “Amazing Animals” is the largest privately-owned collection of exotic animals in the UK, and one of the country’s only licensed providers of exotic wildlife for commercials, TV, movies, and advertisements. Their facility has the nice-sounding name of “Heythrop Zoological Gardens” but, except for six “open days” per…


Jay Owenhouse

Illusionist Jay Owenhouse Mr. Owenhouse, from Bozeman, Montana, is a prominent, award-winning illusionist who has owned and used tigers in his magic act for the past 25 years. He bills himself as “the authentic illusionist” and feels that live tigers are an integral part of his “authenticity.” Owenhouse was mentored in tiger-keeping by Rick Glassey,…

Zookeepers Wife Movie

The Zookeeper’s Wife

The Zookeeper’s Wife Movie The Zookeeper’s Wife movie was filmed in Prague, and the animals came from LudvĂ­k Berousek, a breeder and trainer who rents out exotic animals for film shoots. Berousek runs a private zoo, Zoopark Doksy, where guests can pay to hold big cat cubs. He is also the current owner and animal…


Wild Animal Safari

Wild Animal Safari Quote from a handout regarding the exotic problem in MO: “Wild Animal Safari advertises bear cubs and baboons for sale in Animal Finders’ Guide and has been cited by the USDA for failure to provide veterinary care to sick animals, failure to provide adequate shelter to big cats and primates during cold…