
Mobile Zoo

The Mobile Zoo   The Mobile Zoo USDA sues Mobile Zoo and John Hightower in 2015  and USDA sues Mobile Zoo and John Hightower in 2015 count 2 UPDATE: 43 Violations in a Year and a Half at Mobile Zoo http://www.peta.org/blog/whistleblower-says-mobile-zoo-filthy-decaying-dump/ Nov 2016 USDA revokes license and closes Mobile Zoo.  http://wkrg.com/2016/11/17/usda-closes-mobile-zoo-for-good/ The Mobile Zoo, located in Wilmer,…

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Vicenta Pages

Vicenta Pages Circus Act CIRCUS PAGES INTERNATIONAL INC Customer No: 3093 Certificate No: 58-C-0440 Certificate Status: ACTIVE Status Date: Aug 14, 1991 Photos by Cassandra Grzybowski Circus Carnies Always Say They Are Loved by Their Big Cats If so, why do the cats try to kill their trainers? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcNxvd074p4http://weartv.com/news/local/tiger-trainer-injured-at-pensacola-fair-show-canceledhttp://www.pnj.com/story/news/local/pensacola/2016/10/25/tiger-clawed-trainer-after-fall-fair/92727500/ http://weartv.com/news/local/tiger-trainer-injured-at-pensacola-fair-show-canceled http://www.pnj.com/story/news/local/pensacola/2016/10/25/tiger-clawed-trainer-after-fall-fair/92727500/ Notice how they always try to…


Big Cat Derek

Posing with Cubs Drives Most of the Abuse People are so desperate to be seen as special that they will post photos and videos of themselves handling big cats and their cubs; as if that were proof that they possess some special gift.  All it proves is that they care more about their ego than…