Rapper Akon

Akon and the mystique about his tiger Simba Rapper Akon is keeping a white tiger in a VERY small cage on his property. It’s heartbreaking. Please join me in protesting this cruelty and alerting USDA, state lawmakers and anyone else you can think of to help free Simba from a sad life. There are often…

Hahn Richard

Richard Hahn was the only person to speak out in the press in defense of Dennis Hill.  His reputation explains why: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (U.S.D.A.) IN RE: ZOOLOGICAL CONSORTIUM OF MARYLAND, INC., AND RICHARD HAHN. United States 47 Agric. Dec. 1276 (1988) Summary:   Exhibitor who engaged in recurring pattern of noncompliance with standards…


Bill William Kapp

William Kapp Killed Tigers and Leopards in Canned Hunts USA v Kapp William R (03-4075 031) – Finding Redemption, or What comes around, goes around…… Mon, Mar. 17, 2003 (St Patrick’s Day:) Trial to shed light on underground animal trade BY JON YATES Chicago Tribune CHICAGO – (KRT) – A Chicago area man admits he…

Thomas Kirby

When Carole Baskin and Big Cat Rescue became known for trying to stop the trade in exotic cats as pets, some selfish people began slandering them. From: wss_cat@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (Diane Roger) Sent: 5/14/2008 7:50:58 A.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: More lies from…

Alan Rigerman

Florida teen mauled by pet cougar Teen girl mauled by cougar to fully recover A 16-year-old girl mauled by a 150-pound cougar in North Miami-Dade is expected to make a full recovery after hours of surgery. By JENNIFER LEBOVICH AND LUISA YANEZ jlebovich@MiamiHerald.com A 16-year-old South Florida girl mauled by a 150-pound cougar left a…