
Wild Cats Belong in the Wild

If you came here wondering if a place that has big cats on exhibit, like lions, tigers, ligers, leopards, servals, bobcats or other exotic cats, is a “good” place; the answer is simple:

Unless it is an accredited sanctuary, that rescues wild cats from horrible situations like zoos, carnivals, circus acts or back yard menageries, then you shouldn’t patronize them because that just adds to the abuse.

Good sanctuaries are listed at SanctuaryFederation.org

If you see animal abuse you should report animal abuse!

Government agencies don’t make it easy for you to tell them to do their jobs, but if you don’t speak up for the animals then who will?

Abuse can and should reported at three levels; federal (USDA), state (Wildlife Agency) and local (Animal Control). It is illegal for the public to have contact with any big cat or their cub and violations of the Big Cat Public Safety Act should be reported immediately!

Report to USDA at https://www.aphis.usda.gov/awa/regulatory-enforcement/complaint

Every state and municipality has their own agencies which can be searched online by typing in your state followed by “department of wildlife” and your municipality by typing in your county, city or parish followed by “animal control”. We have tried to maintain lists, but find it impossible on a non existent budget.

Contact Form

If you are looking for specific files that used to be on this site, fill out the form to the right and in the message state the reason for the request. The previous site had been hacked so we had to change hosts and many pages may have been lost.